The phone code for Bulgaria is +359.
This is the international dialing code that you need to use if you want to call Bulgaria from another country.
In addition to the country code, Bulgaria also uses area codes, which are also known as city codes or dialing codes. The area code is the code that you need to dial before the phone number when calling within Bulgaria.
Each city or region in Bulgaria has its own area code. For example, the area code for Sofia, the capital city, is 02. The area code for Veliko Tarnovo, major historical city, is 032. Other major cities and their area codes include:
- Varna: 052
- Burgas: 056
- Ruse: 082
- Stara Zagora: 042
- Pleven: 064
- Sliven: 044
To call a phone number within Bulgaria, you need to dial the area code (including the leading zero) followed by the local phone number. For example, to call a phone number in Sofia, you would dial 02 and then the local phone number.
It’s also important to note that when calling from another country, you need to include the country code (+359) before the area code and local phone number. For example, to call a phone number in Sofia from the United States, you would dial +359 2 and then the local phone number.